Sunday, September 19, 2010

San Gennaro's Feast Little Italy

One of the most popular events each year in New York City is the Feast of San Gennaro, Patron Saint of Naples.
It runs for 11 days, attracting crows that exceed 1-million. Activities for the entire family take place along Mulberry Street, Hester Street and Grand Street, from 11:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. The streets are decorated with festive banners and arches in green, white and red, the colors of the Italian flag.

More than 35 of Little Italy's most famous Italian restaurants roll out the red carpet for Feast visitors, and many provide outdoor dining facilities for the event, offering a variety of Italian specialty foods and pastries. Some restaurants even have strolling musicians to entertain their customers.

We went there last Saturday and had a great time, eating stuffed artichokes, sausages and of course, cannolis.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what good memories ..! I lived in Napoli during 1989 and Ithen discovered all these festivities related to San Genaro . The whole city enters in a very special mood ... What was incredible for me at that time ( 1989 ) was to find in almost all the Napolitan churches a portrait of Diego Maradona , the Argentine soccer player who played for the Napolitan team at that time , sharing the altar and receiving devotions beside San Genaro ..! Soccer in Italy is also a religion :))))
